Veiled in Darkness
Eternally Mated, #2
by Valerie Twombly
Paranormal Romance
Self published
May 30, 2016

The story continues...
When Eli spots Ashley across a bloody battlefield, he can
only steal a moment alone with her. Powerless is an
emotion new to the hunter, but it’s one he faces daily when
he realizes killing the demon king in order to free his mate
is out of the question.
‘Death’ was not a nickname Ashley wished to carry. Being
the only one able to stop Lucifer’s evil plan was an even
worse fate. When she discovers her true ancestry, fear that
she will succumb to her darker side forces her to dig deep
for the strength she needs to fight.
The clock is ticking and soon Ashley will face the ultimate test.
is the second book in the series. If you have not read
book one. Please get
that now then come back for this
one. As you will not know what's going on.
This book is just
as well written as the first one and even more fun to read.
really enjoyed this book and looking forward to a third
book in the series.
story continues for Eli and Ashley. They were ripped
apart from each other in
the end of last book. She sacrificed
herself to save his soul. And she would do
it again, even
knowing what it would mean for her. She’s stuck in hell with
doing his biding. Only thing is Lucifer has made
some really big mistakes and
ticked off the wrong people.
Ashley may have been given the name Death. But as
we go
along it's more like justice that she metes out. There is a
reason that
she is as powerful as she is. When she finds
her grandmother living in hell she
finds her true fate. And
that is when she learns about her true heritage. As
goes along it seems she likes antagonizing the devil. She's
not as easy to
push over as he thought she would be.
When she decides it's time for change she
goes and
demands to see her mate. The last thing she expects is to
get what she
demands. When she gets time off her
to spend time with Eli, she is not prepared for what she has
to do to
get it. But you what they say there is always
reason to the madness and Ashley
may have just learned
what that is. She will have to make the most of her time
with Eli so they can find a way to save all the souls,
right all that has been
wrongly done,
and finally get be together once and for all.
Now before I ruin this for you I will
leave off here. I hope
you enjoy this
book as much as I did. If you do like this
book, please consider leaving a
review. The Authors really
like it when you do; they value your opinions too
Eli scanned the battlefield. Hacked body parts littered the ground
and pools of blood coated the landscape. The earth groaned as she
absorbed the foul liquid of the fallen demons.
The battle had lasted hours. How many he wasn’t sure, but his muscles ached and blood coated his clothing. Most of it from those he’d slain, but some belonged to him. He was too weak and exhausted to heal himself. Besides, his only thought at that moment was of her. He’d spotted Ashley the last time they’d battled. She was seen collecting the demons’ souls and sending them––he supposed––to Hell. Lucifer would likely have her bring them back to life so this hellish nightmare could start again.
Eli cringed at the thought.
He’d tried to speak with her, but when she’d spotted him, she had vanished. This time… This time she would face him. It had been a month since she’d gone. Seven hundred and thirty hours, a fraction of time to an angel but an eternity to him. He missed her so much his heart actually ached. Every morning he awoke and wondered if she thought of him. Every night he went to his empty bed and prayed she remembered he loved her. Had she made it through the day? Was her mind still intact or had Lucifer broken her? He tried not to think about it because if he did, he was tempted to fall again, and this time he’d make sure he made it all the way to Hell. Luckily, his sanity stayed in check, and he reminded himself of the gift Ashley had given him. The sacrifice she had made to save his soul would never be forgotten. He would remain steadfast in his duties while he searched for a way to save her.
She was here and her back was to him. Her hair, pulled into a single braid, draped over one shoulder.
His fingers itched to unravel the golden strands and set them free.
Black wings, speckled with gold dust, were spread as she pointed to each demon and watched their body parts vanish. Eli wrapped his own wings around his body and cloaked himself. Now that he knew she would flee, necessity dictated he hide his presence. She was far too young and inexperienced to escape him now.
He watched…waited in silence as she made her way around the field. For some reason the others ignored her, and then it dawned on him. They couldn’t see her. A smile lifted his lips and pride swelled inside him.
So, my little angel has learned how to cloak herself as well.
She was close. He waited for her to finally tend to the demon body he stood over. He reached out and grabbed her. She gasped, her power flaring.
He revealed himself. “You can’t run from me this time.”
Her face lit with relief then panic. “Eli, you need to let me go.” Anger flashed in her green eyes. “You know I could have killed you!”
“You can’t kill your own mate, so stop running from me.” He pulled her closer and erected a barrier around them to keep others from viewing their private moment. “I’ve missed you. Are you okay?” He moved his gaze from her eyes to her full pink lips then dipped to her breasts. She wore some black leather thing that revealed more cleavage than he cared for her to share. Matching pants clung to her curves, and boots completed the ensemble. Damn she was hot, and his cock throbbed with need.
“I’m as well as can be expected. Now release me, I have work to do.”
“Don’t care,” he stated.
“We aren’t supposed to be together. Lucifer will punish you if he finds out,” she whispered and glanced around, likely looking for the devil himself.
“Listen to me.” He tightened his grip, fearful she’d somehow get away before he had a chance to speak. “I don’t care what that bastard does to me. Do you understand?”
“Eli, no––”
“I. Don’t. Fucking. Care.” He gave her a slight shake to bring her back to him. “He can do to me whatever he desires. If he wants to let demons pick the flesh from my bones then pour salt over my wounds, so be it.”
“No. No.” She struggled to free herself. “Please don’t say that. I can’t bear the thought of him hurting you.” She scanned his bloody clothing. “You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine.” He bent his head and claimed her mouth. Demanding and passionate, his desire for her flared white-hot. She continued to struggle, but he pressed his tongue against her lips until finally she softened and gave in. Opened to him until they were both kissing each other as if it were the end of the world. To Eli, it might as well be. Having her back in his arms, pressed against his erection, was all he wanted. He wanted to take her fast and hard, but this wasn’t the time or place. He’d forsake everything to have her back safe. He broke free, both of them panting from pent-up desire.
“I need to know you understand that I will do whatever it takes to be near you. Even if I can only have a stolen moment. If Lucifer wants to punish me, I’ll take it.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “He can’t hurt me any more than he’s already done by taking you from me. I will not let him have you.” She pushed against his chest, and he freed her.
“I have to go,” she whispered.
“I will find a way, Ashley. We belong together, and I will find a way to free you,” he shouted as she faded away. All eyes were on him, but he didn’t care. Let his brethren believe he’d finally gone mad.
The battle had lasted hours. How many he wasn’t sure, but his muscles ached and blood coated his clothing. Most of it from those he’d slain, but some belonged to him. He was too weak and exhausted to heal himself. Besides, his only thought at that moment was of her. He’d spotted Ashley the last time they’d battled. She was seen collecting the demons’ souls and sending them––he supposed––to Hell. Lucifer would likely have her bring them back to life so this hellish nightmare could start again.
Eli cringed at the thought.
He’d tried to speak with her, but when she’d spotted him, she had vanished. This time… This time she would face him. It had been a month since she’d gone. Seven hundred and thirty hours, a fraction of time to an angel but an eternity to him. He missed her so much his heart actually ached. Every morning he awoke and wondered if she thought of him. Every night he went to his empty bed and prayed she remembered he loved her. Had she made it through the day? Was her mind still intact or had Lucifer broken her? He tried not to think about it because if he did, he was tempted to fall again, and this time he’d make sure he made it all the way to Hell. Luckily, his sanity stayed in check, and he reminded himself of the gift Ashley had given him. The sacrifice she had made to save his soul would never be forgotten. He would remain steadfast in his duties while he searched for a way to save her.
She was here and her back was to him. Her hair, pulled into a single braid, draped over one shoulder.
His fingers itched to unravel the golden strands and set them free.
Black wings, speckled with gold dust, were spread as she pointed to each demon and watched their body parts vanish. Eli wrapped his own wings around his body and cloaked himself. Now that he knew she would flee, necessity dictated he hide his presence. She was far too young and inexperienced to escape him now.
He watched…waited in silence as she made her way around the field. For some reason the others ignored her, and then it dawned on him. They couldn’t see her. A smile lifted his lips and pride swelled inside him.
So, my little angel has learned how to cloak herself as well.
She was close. He waited for her to finally tend to the demon body he stood over. He reached out and grabbed her. She gasped, her power flaring.
He revealed himself. “You can’t run from me this time.”
Her face lit with relief then panic. “Eli, you need to let me go.” Anger flashed in her green eyes. “You know I could have killed you!”
“You can’t kill your own mate, so stop running from me.” He pulled her closer and erected a barrier around them to keep others from viewing their private moment. “I’ve missed you. Are you okay?” He moved his gaze from her eyes to her full pink lips then dipped to her breasts. She wore some black leather thing that revealed more cleavage than he cared for her to share. Matching pants clung to her curves, and boots completed the ensemble. Damn she was hot, and his cock throbbed with need.
“I’m as well as can be expected. Now release me, I have work to do.”
“Don’t care,” he stated.
“We aren’t supposed to be together. Lucifer will punish you if he finds out,” she whispered and glanced around, likely looking for the devil himself.
“Listen to me.” He tightened his grip, fearful she’d somehow get away before he had a chance to speak. “I don’t care what that bastard does to me. Do you understand?”
“Eli, no––”
“I. Don’t. Fucking. Care.” He gave her a slight shake to bring her back to him. “He can do to me whatever he desires. If he wants to let demons pick the flesh from my bones then pour salt over my wounds, so be it.”
“No. No.” She struggled to free herself. “Please don’t say that. I can’t bear the thought of him hurting you.” She scanned his bloody clothing. “You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine.” He bent his head and claimed her mouth. Demanding and passionate, his desire for her flared white-hot. She continued to struggle, but he pressed his tongue against her lips until finally she softened and gave in. Opened to him until they were both kissing each other as if it were the end of the world. To Eli, it might as well be. Having her back in his arms, pressed against his erection, was all he wanted. He wanted to take her fast and hard, but this wasn’t the time or place. He’d forsake everything to have her back safe. He broke free, both of them panting from pent-up desire.
“I need to know you understand that I will do whatever it takes to be near you. Even if I can only have a stolen moment. If Lucifer wants to punish me, I’ll take it.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “He can’t hurt me any more than he’s already done by taking you from me. I will not let him have you.” She pushed against his chest, and he freed her.
“I have to go,” she whispered.
“I will find a way, Ashley. We belong together, and I will find a way to free you,” he shouted as she faded away. All eyes were on him, but he didn’t care. Let his brethren believe he’d finally gone mad.
Get the first books in the series
to start the journey
to start the journey

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Veiled in Darkness (Eternally Mated, #2)
·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•٠· Valerie Twombly ·٠•● Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ●•٠·
Award winning and bestselling author, Valerie Twombly grew
up watching Dark Shadows over her mother's shoulder, and
from there her love of the fanged creatures blossomed.
Today, Valerie has decided to take her darker, sensual side
and put it to paper. When she is not busy creating a world
full of steamy, hot men and strong, seductive women, she
juggles her time between a full-time job, hubby, and her two
German Shepherd dogs, in Northern IL. Valerie is a member
of Romance Writers of America and Fantasy, Futuristic and
Paranormal Romance Writers. She is also the founder of
Sexy Scribblers, a group of romance writers who bring
readers new and fresh stories every month.