Title: STONE
Author: Mardi Maxwell
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: 31 March 2016
God, how I love a good SIFI book. But add a great
to that? And you have one hell of a book that I wish had not
ended. I cannot
wait till the next book comes out. This book
stars Lt. Sunny Blake and Lt Jackson
Stone. But he’s from
over 100years in the past. And sunny has been in love with
the idea of him since she was 16. So much so she called
dibs on him. Who knew,
that when she got older she would
not only get to meet him, but go back in time
to save his
life. But you know what they say about bios? They are not
true, sometimes there worse. Stone is not
interested in a forever with a woman.
He is in the future with
a lot of them. Just one problem they are all virgins. What
he to do? Man this was a hell of a ride. And I’d advise some
tissues near
the end. I love a writer who can pull on my
emotions and man did Mardi do just
that. I cried like a baby
at one point, I could feel all the pain Stone was in.
a writer is able to do that to me. I will follow her books still
she stops
writing. Then reread them again. Now
I ruin this for you I will leave off here. I hope you enjoy this
book as much
as I did. If you do like this book, please
consider leaving a review. The Authors really like it when
you do; they value your opinions too.
She brought him to her world to save the human race.
He intends to save her.
In 2230 Earth was invaded by an alien species. After years
Lieutenant Sunny Blake is ordered to travel back to 2125 and
Stone has two interests. High-risk missions and lust-filled
Watch for the following books in late Spring 2016:
A Time to Love 2
“Who are you sending to get these men?”
The General looked at Commander Mitchell.
Sunny looked as well and found her staring back at her.
“We have four teams,” Commander Mitchell
said. “Each team has been assigned a historian advisor and a medical team. You,
Lieutenant Blake, are Alpha team. You’re going back for the first warrior in
two days’ time. Your historian will give you the information you need to rescue
him. Once you get him back here the medical team and the Council will take
over. If he decides to stay he’ll be assigned to your squad. We expect the men
we save to help us bring back more soldiers and supplies while we familiarize
them with our world. Any other questions?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Sunny said. “Who am I
“Jefferson W. Stone,” Commander Mitchell
“The twenty-third? The one who died in 2125?”
Sunny had to work hard to keep the excitement from her voice.
Commander Mitchell nodded. “We thought it was
appropriate to choose him first since this is the twenty-third century.”
General Davis stood. “Lieutenant Blake, get
some rest and report to your historian at zero six hundred. At this time, we’ve
covered everything and you’re all dismissed.”
Sunny and the other lieutenants saluted then
left the room. Once they were out of sight of the Council chambers the squad
leaders surrounded Sunny and the ribbing began.
“Wow! Jefferson W. Stone the Twenty-third!
Your all-time huge crush!” Kelby Barker said, then laughed.
Before Sunny could answer, Ginny Johnson
piped up, “According to his biography you’re his type. Tall and curvy with
big,” she held her hands at her chest then moved them out several inches and
“Maybe we should put her in a chastity belt.
We might have one in storage somewhere,” Lieutenant Jo Miller said.
“There’s no need,” Sunny said.
“No need? He’s all you ever talked about
after you saw his picture in his biography,” Lieutenant Dean said. “And, by the
way, we know you tore his picture out of the book.”
“You can’t prove that.” Sunny laughed.
“Remember I’ve read his biography—.”
“You mean you’ve practically memorized it,”
Jo said.
“I prefer to say I’ve studied his book but
either way I know his secrets. I think I can handle him.” The initial
excitement she’d felt was sinking in and becoming a reality. What would it be
like to stand next to him? To be able to reach out and touch him? A man from
the past that she’d never dreamt she’d meet much less have a chance to get to
know. Stone was a man’s man and he’d appeared in most of her dreams for the
last eleven years.
“The book says a lot of women have handled
him,” Lieutenant Douglas said then winked and added, “Or rather he handled them.”
“They say when he died, the women he made
love to grieved for him for the rest of their lives,” Lieutenant Dean said with
an envious heartfelt sigh.
“Bull crap,” Sunny said. “They probably said
good riddance, got married, and never gave him another thought.”
Ginny laughed. “Well, just in case we get
lucky, and he’s as horny and energetic as his biography says, I’m going to the
clinic to see if they have any kind of contraceptives.”
“I’ll come with you,” Kelby said.
“Me, too.” Jo said then looked at Sunny.
“No and all of you need to remember I called
dibs on Stone ten years ago. So hands off, ladies.”
“That was just a game we played at your
sixteenth birthday party,” Jo said.
“Too bad. Dibs are dibs,” Sunny said. “Jo,
you claimed Calder Campbell. Ginny you claimed Blade Lawrence and Kelby you
claimed Gideon Williams. I’m enforcing the claim on Stone.”
“Spoilsport,” Ginny said.
Sunny laughed and hurried away while inside
one phrase repeated in her mind—hot damn, I’m going to meet Jefferson Wakefield
Stone in the flesh!
Mardi Maxwell loves the quirky and the unique. She believes
She writes contemporary erotic romance and steamy sci-fi