Charlotte Winston
Released Nov 2nd, 2015
Now that was an amazing read. This is a first book for
Charlotte Winston, but I expect to see so many more form
her. She had my attention from the first few pages, and
held me there till the end. I loved this story and how Alexandra was suppose to be the good girl. But she found
out being naughty can be oh so fun. Meeting Roman turned
her world upside down. He knew who she was from the
start, and how they were connected. But he id not know as
much as he thought. This book had so many twist and turns.
At one point I thought I had it figured out and then Charlotte
would throw me down another road. I was so enthralled with
it I literately read it all night. not realizing what time it was till
I noticed the sun was up, and I had finished the book. I can
not wait to see what she comes up with next.Now before
I ruin this for you I will leave off here. I hope you enjoy this
book as much as I did. If you do like this book, please
consider leaving a review. The Authors really like it when
you do, they value your opinions too.
Charlotte Winston, but I expect to see so many more form
her. She had my attention from the first few pages, and
held me there till the end. I loved this story and how Alexandra was suppose to be the good girl. But she found
out being naughty can be oh so fun. Meeting Roman turned
her world upside down. He knew who she was from the
start, and how they were connected. But he id not know as
much as he thought. This book had so many twist and turns.
At one point I thought I had it figured out and then Charlotte
would throw me down another road. I was so enthralled with
it I literately read it all night. not realizing what time it was till
I noticed the sun was up, and I had finished the book. I can
not wait to see what she comes up with next.Now before
I ruin this for you I will leave off here. I hope you enjoy this
book as much as I did. If you do like this book, please
consider leaving a review. The Authors really like it when
you do, they value your opinions too.
Everyone believes Alexandra Kane is a good
girl. She follows
the rules, stays the course, but there’s only so far she can
bend before she breaks. Her reputation is everything, but she
can’t resist
temptation when given an opportunity to join Club
Valentine, the exclusive sex
club that caters to the wealthy.
Roman Valentine makes a living providing people a place to
Roman Valentine makes a living providing people a place to
exercise their
sexual preferences with discretion. He knows
how to keep secrets, especially
since he has some of his
own he doesn’t want discovered. Alexandra provides a
distraction he doesn’t need, but Roman how can he say no
when she makes him an
offer he can’t refuse.
Their agreement is simple. Discretion, orgasms, and never
Their agreement is simple. Discretion, orgasms, and never
mix business with
pleasure. But what happens when
business becomes personal? How will they react
when the
secrets they keep buried threaten to overtake them? And
Alexandra supposed to do when Roman’s secret
directly impacts her life?
“I’m thrilled for
my sister. She deserves all the happiness life has to offer, and Anthony’s
perfect for her.” Alexandra smiled, leaning against Blair’s shoulder because it
was too much work to hold her head up in her drunken state.
“She looks happy.
Unlike some people.” Blair drilled her finger in Alexandra’s stomach.
Alexandra swatted
it away before Blair bruised something. “I’m happy. How many people do you know
make junior partner when they’re thirty?” She held her arms out like an actor
gesturing toward their waiting crowd.
Blair rolled her
eyes, pushing Alexandra’s arms down. “There’s more to life than work. When was
the last time you went on vacation? Had a date? Got laid?” Alexandra’s eyes
darted toward the rearview mirror, where the cab driver was paying close
attention to Blair’s latest “you need a life” round of questions.
Alexandra turned so
she could maintain some semblance of privacy from the nosy cab driver. “I’m
going on vacation as soon as I’m done with my upcoming trials. You know how
important it is for me to make partner. And as far as dating, I don’t have time
for anyone right now. Getting laid? That’s been a while.” Six months, to be
exact, but Blair didn’t need to know that piece of information. And wasn’t she
just a chatty Cathy after all those drinks? Those close to her knew Alexandra
didn’t date but had no idea she went to the bar for a random one-night stand
when she had an itch to scratch. Easier all around, but she’d been too busy for
even that recently.
Blair tsked at her.
“You don’t even remember, do you? The day I forget the last time I had sex is
the day I hire a male escort.” Alexandra remembered, but refused to elaborate
on the drunken hookup on for her twenty-ninth birthday resulting in missing
panties and a walk of shame to rival her college days.
Alexandra slapped
her arm. “I am not hiring a prostitute. Could you see the
headlines? ‘Popular lawyer indicted for soliciting sex.’ Plus, I can get my own
man; I just don’t have time.” And she refused to deal with the next guy looking
at her like she was a freak—as though she were damaged somehow—because she
loved having sex a lot. She just chose not to have indiscriminant sex with
multiple men, she preferred one partner. And there was no partner, just her
vibrator, which she’d almost worn out with overuse.
Blair didn’t
answer, just stared out the window, deep in thought before addressing her.
“Hey, I have an idea…”
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Charlotte is a southern girl who has loved a good story for as
long as she can remember. A long way from sneaking around
past her bedtime with a flashlight, she's currently plugging
away writing her own stories. She loves writing about strong
characters and how their personalities influence those
around them. Her first book, Mutually Exclusive, will be
available in November 2015.
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